Expand Your Counter Space with New Lower Cabinets

//Expand Your Counter Space with New Lower Cabinets

Expand Your Counter Space with New Lower Cabinets

Does cooking dinner feel like playing 4D chess with your counter space? The solution is simple. If you’ve got some extra floor space, simply expand your counter space with more lower cabinets. A lot of modern kitchens have tons of extra space that’s hardly being utilized. If that’s the case for your kitchen, here’s how you can get a few more feet of countertop for your meal prep.

Add a Cabinet at the End

A lot of kitchens have some free space at the end of the countertop. This is often where people put down a trashcan or some recycle bins. It’s also where you might put a rolling card with a coffee pot on it or some other desperate attempt to increase storage. The fact is, unutilized space is pretty useless. The illusion of more open space being an improvement on a kitchen quickly crumbles when you realize it’s not functional. As long as you have enough space to walk, that space isn’t serving any purpose by being empty. So, add a cabinet at the end.

If you’re replacing your entire kitchen’s cabinetry, this is an easy fix. Just measure the space you want to use up and fill ‘er up. If you aren’t replacing all of the cabinetry, it requires a bit more finesse. You’ll need to get one cabinet or one double set of cabinets to fill that space. Finding a cabinet that matches the existing cabinetry can be tricky. However, Discount Kitchens offers many different colors and finishes and we may just be able to help you fill the gap. With your added three feet of cabinetry and countertop, you now have a nice boost in prep space.

Create a Peninsula

While many kitchens have a chunk of unused space at the end of the counter, the majority don’t. However, what many of those that don’t do have is a lot of surplus floor space in the middle of the kitchen. If you need to expand your counter space more than you need a wide open floor, you might find the solution in creating a peninsula.

What is a peninsula? Well, in geographical terms, its a bit of land that juts out into the ocean and is surrounded on 3 sides by water. In kitchen terms, it’s something like a breakfast bar – a bit of cabinetry and counter that extends into the unused floor space.

Add a Kitchen Island

Perhaps an even easier task than creating a peninsula is adding a kitchen island. While a peninsula is obligated to at least kind of match the existing cabinetry, an island doesn’t have to. Being that it’s not connected to the rest of the cabinetry, it works so long as it compliments it. A kitchen island can add some much needed cooking and preparation space without detracting from existing cabinetry. Just make sure you leave enough space for your dishwasher to open!

Affordable, Quality Cabinets in Toronto

If you’re looking for affordable, high quality cabinets in Toronto, Discount Kitchens is the place to go. We offer cash and carry cabinetry that can take home same-day. Just visit our showroom or give us a call if you have questions. We love to hear from you!

By | 2023-05-31T23:42:26+00:00 May 31st, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Expand Your Counter Space with New Lower Cabinets